dMAT – apply for your Master’s programme

The digital master test (dMAT) is developed by universities in collaboration with g.a.s.t. and is currently used with the following subject modules:

– Computer Science for the MSc Computer Science at Paderborn University

– Chemistry for the MSc Battery Science and Technology in Engineering at RWTH Aachen University

– Physics for the MSc Battery Science and Technology in Engineering at RWTH Aachen University

– Computer Science for the MSc Battery Science and Technology in Engineering at RWTH Aachen University

– Electrical Engineering for the MSc Battery Science and Technology in Engineering at RWTH Aachen University

– Mechanical Engineering for the MSc Battery Science and Technology in Engineering at RWTH Aachen University

The subject module measures concrete subject-specific knowledge and application skills, which are the basis for successful studies in Computer Science at the Master level at German universities. All tasks are in single-choice answer format, the test language for the current subject modules is English.

The dMAT is carried out digitally in test centers appointed by the Gesellschaft für Akademische Studienvorbereitung und Testentwicklung (g.a.s.t.).

Which universities use the dMAT?

RWTH Aachen University and Paderborn University use the dMAT as a selection criterium.

This is how the dMAT is structured

dMAT Structured


The dMAT consists of two modules: a core module and a subject module.

The core module measures general study aptitude and consists of three subtests testing general cognitive skills.

The subject modules measure subject-specific aptitude. For this purpose, the subject knowledge acquired during previous studies and the ability to apply this knowledge are tested. The tasks consist of a combination of a typical problem and related questions. The dMAT therefore requires specialised knowledge and application skills, but not purely memorised factual knowledge.

The duration of the examination is three and a half hours with a break between the examination modules.

Preparation for the exam

Instructions on how to prepare for the exam, sample tasks, solutions and ways to solve the tasks can be found here. Sample questions for the subject modules for the MSc Battery Science and Technology in Engineering will be available here at the beginning of February 2025.
The following videos explain how the exam works on screen.

We recommend that you use all the materials available here. No further detailed information will be shown to you during the exam.


The dMAT certificate

The certificate shows your results on two scales:
– the percentile rank
– the dMAT score

The percentile rank indicates what percentage of the other participants received a lower or equally good result. For example, a percentile rank of 70 means: 70% of all participants got a lower score or the same score while 30% achieved a higher score. A university can use the percentile rank for a cut score (e.g. select the 10 % best applicants).

The dMAT score is a conversiona of the total number of correct answers to to a value between 0 and 200. The mean (average) is 100. The dMAT score can be used to compare results between all test modules and item groups. The dMAT score is shown for the core module and the subject module respectively.

The total score results from the addition of both values.

Because the dMAT is a standardised test, both scores always refer to all participants (at all test centres and on each test date).

Universities decide individually how to use the dMAT results. Please inform yourself directly via the websites of the universities.

The dMAT certificate is valid indefinitely. As soon as the results are available, you can download your certificate in your participant portal.

Information for universities

If you would like to use the dMAT with existing subject modules or are interested in additional subject modules for other subjects, please contact us:

The use of the dMAT is free of charge for universities. We offer cooperation models for the development of new subject modules.